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Career & Collegiate Academy

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School/program provides within-school and extra-curricular opportunities for students to extend STEM learning. 

ESPORTS Club & Team

Athletics Program Video

Turkey Trot Video

Middle School Homecoming Dance 2022

Baseball Winter Showcase


Students from the Criminal Justice Academy learn from active city police officers


Jim Guarasci, Executive Producer of BECON-TV, visited the Mass Communication Academy .He taught students about story telling, film making, and spoke about the importance of submitting short films for local competitions. 

The nationally-renown authors of "The Beast" Ally Condie and Brendan Reichs visited COHEA to talk to the students about their book.

Students from the Mass Communications Academy interviewed Stephen Nimer M.D Director of the university of Miami Sylvester comprehensive cancer center for a document about a local organization that is raising funds for cancer research at UM. 

Holiday Virtual STEM Night

Students showcased their STEM projects in a video presentation produced by members of COHEA's Mass Communications Academy.

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This year’s A+ school celebration was planned and executed by the Student Government Association (SGA).

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